Cheryl Suchors

Cheryl began writing at age six, when she wrote a play starring her sister and herself. She continued to write poetry until she took a detour through the business world for twenty years. She holds degrees from Harvard Business School and Smith College. Her memoir, 48 PEAKS, Hiking and Healing in the White Mountains, was published by She Writes Press in September, 2018. The book has been awarded a Silver Medal by the Independent Publishers Book Awards.

Kirkus Reviews called 48 PEAKS“An inspiring yet relatable true story with exciting scenes and plenty of heart.” BookBub included it as one of “10 Life Changing Memoirs To Pick Up This Fall.” The Culturalist listed it as one of the “Top Ten Travel and Adventure Memoirs That Will Leave You Inspired”, and PopSugar chose the book as one of “7 New Nonfiction Books for People Who Don’t Like Nonfiction.”

 Cheryl’s work has appeared in literary journals, magazines, and an anthology. She lives with her husband in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and wishes their grown daughter lived nearby. 

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You can watch her interview on Dracut Access TV here.

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