Matt W Miller

Matt W Miller was born and raised in Lowell, Massachusetts. He is the author of The Wounded for the Water (Salmon Poetry), Club Icarus (University of North Texas Press), selected by Major Jackson as the 2012 Vassar Miller Poetry Prize winner, and Cameo Diner: Poems (Loom). He has published work previously in Slate, Harvard Review, Notre Dame Review, Southwest Review, Southeast Review, Florida Review, Third Coast, The Rumpus, Poetry Daily, and other journals. He was winner of the 2015 River Styx Micro-Beer, Micro-fiction Prize and Iron Horse Review's 2015 Trifecta Poetry Prize. He has been awarded a Wallace Stegner Fellowship in Poetry and a Walter E. Dakin Fellowship in Poetry from Sewanee Writers' Conference. He has taught creative writing and literature at Stanford University, University of Massachusetts Lowell, New England College, Harvard Extension and the Concord State Prison for Men. He teaches English and coaches football at Phillips Exeter Academy where he also co-directs the Writers’ Workshop at Exeter. He lives in New Hampshire with his wife Emily Meehan and their children Delaney and Joseph.

You can watch his interview on Dracut Access TV here.

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